The school

The teaching team invites you, four times a year, to individual and collective meetings.

Individual meetings: two meetings a year, in November and May, to discuss the evolution of your child.

Parent sessions: in October and February, two pedagogy presentation sessions are organized by the school to introduce you to the material we use as well as our supportive attitude towards the child.

These meetings are important to us because they offer the opportunity to meet together in an atmosphere of discovery and exchange. They also help us to strengthen collaboration between the pedagogical team and parents to understand and support your children.

For 6-12 year-olds, “Parents’ Back to School” is an informal meeting between parents, children and educators, which is organized a few days before the start of the school year to allow children, parents and educators to meet before the official Back to School Day in a relaxed atmosphere. The meeting usually takes place on the school terrace with snacks and drinks.

The Children’s House (3-6 years old) organizes four educational outings per school year.

Visits to various museums, the Vivarium of Meyrin, animal parks or gardens.

Thanks to our AGEP membership (Association Genevoise des Écoles Privées), we have access to a variety of shows (theater plays, concerts of classical or modern music, circus… ) set up especially for school classes from the Geneva canton with a reduced rate of around CHF 10.- per child.

In the 6-12 class, outings are frequent. Visits to museums, exhibitions and botanical gardens are organized throughout the year depending on the desires, interests and topics studied in the class with the children.

Outings are organized by the children themselves according to their degree of autonomy.

Our school has a vegetable garden and we are a member of the “Sunny Garden” association.

For 3-6 year olds, outdoor work is integrated into daily classroom exercises. They are prepared by initiations to the knowledge of the plant and its needs.

Then, depending on the season, activities related to the garden and the care of plants are offered to children in the garden: sowing seeds, transplanting, watering, healing the plant. At the time of harvest, we offer to cook and taste the products of the harvest together.

Children are very attracted to the life of plants and animals. Respect for nature comes from knowledge and at this age the child acquires knowledge through direct contact and practical experience. It is therefore essential, both in 3-6 and 6-12, that the child spends time in nature.

In the 6-12 class, children spend a lot of time outside, “the world is their classroom” as Maria Montessori said.

Children of the 6-12 class experiment first in nature before drawing rules or theories. Therefore they go out as often as possible to do experiments in the garden, to observe nature, to walk in the forest or in the mountains, to draw sketches in nature, to discover the world of the living and the non living.